Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why are you parenting my kids...?

First I want to start by saying this is not geared or directed at any one person, just in general, things I see on a day to day basis. With that being said, I'll get started.

WHY is it that people feel the need to parent other peoples children, point out all the things the parent is doing wrong or should being doing at all? Its MY child/ren I will raise them as I see fit. I see this happen all too often. Someone will write or post something about their kids and there is ALWAYS one person that starts in on the judgement, like they are the perfect parent, sent from the heavens to show us we are all doing it wrong. It really really makes me crazy. Here are a few of the topics that top the charts.

  1. Breastfeeding vs. Bottle feeding
  2. Breast milk vs. Formula
  3. TV vs. Playing outside or Reading
  4. Meat vs. Veggies
  5. such and such...

Seriously. If you are not there to lift that person up or give constructed criticism then keep your words to your self. People should not feel badly or judge by how they choose to raise there kids. Just because they chose things that you wouldn't does NOT mean they are a bad parent. Ugh, it makes me so so so so irritated. Just keep your trap shut.

That is all, for now.

Yep -- Happy Baby.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ugh, Crazy!

Oops.. So I got a little bit behind. Let me update you on MY exciting life..

My wonderful husband and I have gotten sick of the food in our pantry. Its the same stuff over and over again so my husband got on the computer and started looking up recipes. We haven't had REAL homemade food in forever, its always been out of a box or freezer. so for the past few days we have had amazing dinners and my husband does it all. I never have to lift a finger except for helping with clean up which I'm totally fine with! We've had Pizza, Chicken Parmesan, Meatloaf, and Manicotti (we LOVE Itallian). Fantastico!!
I'm actually kind of excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow so I can buy things other then what comes in a box!

In other news.
I've had to put up with a lot of bugs and critters in Louisiana. Little lizzards, snakes, mice, spiders, june bugs, wasps.. and so on. What I never thought I would have to deal with was Scorpions. Yep, scorpions. There was one in my house, just hanging out in the living room. Oh did I mention I have to young children? Yeah, so glad my two year old didn't find it first. Anyways, I was so mad, you can ask anyone within a mile radius, I'm sure. This is how this happened..

Me - *slowly walking towards the scorpion (it was dark so I couldn't see well)*
"Hunny, I think that is a scorpion"
Husband - *jumps off couch*
"Turn on the light! ...yep, it is."
Me - "I hate this stupid state!!! UGHHHH I hate that I have to live here with NO CHOICE!!!!!!!!!"
Husband - "calm down!"
at this point i'm standing on the first stair to go upstairs. Because, Scorpions can't get me there..
Husband - *trying so very hard not to laugh at my little performance...*
"Well take Cameron upstairs and put him to bed.... How am I supposed to kill this thing.."

Meanwhile, he had been playing a video game with one of his friends on Xbox. Who at this point I can hear DYING of laughter through the head set.
Anyways.. he managed to kill it and take it outside. I spent the rest of the night upstairs in my bed because I didn't want to be downstairs where the dead scorpion outside my deadbolted door could get me!

So I called my dad to tell him all about my scorpion experience. He asked my what color it was so I told him (clearish, tan by the way). He then informed me that those are typically the WORST ones to come across.. Thanks

So, base housing is sending out pest control today to deal with the scorpions and mice that have found their way into my house and seal up some points of entry! Yay!

Good thing that happened over the weekend was I got to hang out with my friend Courtney, and do some photography. (I've added some of her pictures to my photography page)
It was a lot of fun.

I think that is all for right now...
*yawn* I need coffee.

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Friday.. So?

This is going to be more serious. Sorry.

You know those people that work 9-5 Monday-Friday?
I wonder what that is like. My Husband is a USAF Fire Fighter. He works very odd shifts. He goes to work at 7:30am and doesn't come home for 24 hours. He misses holidays and birthdays and other important events. And he doesn't get weekends or 'fridays'. Every 14 days, he gets 3 days off. But half the time he ends up having to do some sort of class or training. Anyways, all of this is coming about because, once again its friday. That calendar on my wall says so.. Facebook is full of 'TGIF' statuses. To me, and my fellow stay at home USAF Fire Fighter wives it just another day. I wish he had a regular schedule.
Soo.. theres that.

Another thing you learn being a military spouse. You move. You will move. You have moved. You move. So, there is rarely family around. You learn to make family. Most people know how to make friends.. but us spouses? we make family. And they will start to get on your nerves and annoy you, just like family does! You will have days where they make you CRAZY and then you have days where you wouldn't trade them for anything. And then the day where one of you moves and you cry your eyes out no matter how much you fought  in the past. It happens. You know the minute you meet them that eventually one of you is going to leave.


Oh also! I totally have someone that wants me to take their daughters SR pictures this next school year!! I'm totally so excited about it! Its still a few months away, of course. But, that just gives me more time to practice!!! Which is totally awesome! that was a nice surprise to wake up to!


But I wanted to swim in the swamp water... 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back Woods Monsters.

So, I got to get out of the house for a little bit and take pictures of one of my bestest friends! Mysti. She is gorgeous! We had a lot of fun. And this weekend I get to take pictures of another bestest friend who is also gorgeous AND my beautiful daughter will be 4 months old so she gets pictures too :). I'm really loving this photography thing, its so much fun! 

Anyways.. this last picture was taken 'in the woods' really it was just on the edge of the woods, with the road being MAYBE 50 feet away this is what happened.

*walking to the road*
Mysti and I were having a discussion about where to go next to get more pictures.

Random lady walking her dogs
"ya'll better be careful"
Us - "what??..."
Her - "People aren't supposed to be in the woods, my husband is a cop and he said no one is allowed back there because there are wild animals."
Mysti - "Well ya. There are snakes and stuff, we know."
Her - "Well you guys should just be careful..."

We get home and I ask my husband (who is a fire fighter, by the way)
Basically this lady doesn't know what she is talking about. If the woods were off limits they would have signs, blocked off, news letters to ALL of the resients. None of which have happened, not to mention, my husband hadn't heard anything about it at work. Win.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow. I haven't written anything in over a year. Its been a little bit crazy too! We finally got moved in and settled at our new base. Cameron had his surgery. Caden was born. Really there is just too much to try to catch up on so lets semi start over :).
I started playing around in photography, its pretty challenging but when you get that one great shot, its such an amazing feeling. For me anyways. It's so rewarding to me, plus it gives a hobby to get me out of the house from time to time. 

I have a beautiful family, that's for sure.

So for today's random thought.
Why are some manuals called 'Handbooks'? There aren't feetbooks or elbowbooks. Don't we always hold books in our hands anyways? So why aren't they just books or manuals? And what kind of word is 'feet' anyways. I don't get it. I'm glad I didn't have anything to do with the English language, its has dumb words and things that just don't make sense.