Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow. I haven't written anything in over a year. Its been a little bit crazy too! We finally got moved in and settled at our new base. Cameron had his surgery. Caden was born. Really there is just too much to try to catch up on so lets semi start over :).
I started playing around in photography, its pretty challenging but when you get that one great shot, its such an amazing feeling. For me anyways. It's so rewarding to me, plus it gives a hobby to get me out of the house from time to time. 

I have a beautiful family, that's for sure.

So for today's random thought.
Why are some manuals called 'Handbooks'? There aren't feetbooks or elbowbooks. Don't we always hold books in our hands anyways? So why aren't they just books or manuals? And what kind of word is 'feet' anyways. I don't get it. I'm glad I didn't have anything to do with the English language, its has dumb words and things that just don't make sense.


  1. I'm so glad you're back. You have had a very busy 3 yrs of married life. Congratulations on all 3 yrs. Can't wait to see what lies ahead. You GO GIRL!
